Shades of green allow your eye to relax in this front yard refresh. Cool season turf grass was replaced with southern California natives and Australian plants for a low water habitat.

Ceanothus ‘Yankee Point’ (ground cover California lilac) and Arctostaphylos ‘John Dourley’ (ground cover Manzanita) scramble over the ground underneath existing trees in the parkway

A new flagstone walkway to the back gate welcomes you into the garden, a place where thirsty grass once existed

This is the garden right after planting to give a perspective of how much has grown in in the past 4 years

This photo shows a “before” shot, Rhaphiolepis (which needed trimming)and compacted soil made it difficult for plants to thrive

Cool season turf struggled in the compacted soil of this front yard, inappropriate for our southern California gardens