A beautiful example of what a front yard turf replacement should look like. This simple, low maintenance, low water, colorful landscape compliments the ranch style home and the San Diego climate that it inhabits.

are perfect trees to use in a small space or planter. Their roots are non-invasive and their blooms and bark are a delight

can be created with locally sourced river rock. They can add another dimension to your garden and be used to slow, spread, and sink rain water.

colors in your garden as seen here by the new growth of Leucadendron ‘Winter Red’ with the Crape Myrtle blooms.

permeable paving like this wide walkway of concrete squares. Water can percolate between each square and be used by your plants.

your garden so that there is interest year round. In the spring the yellow Kangaroo Paws (Anigozanthos ‘Gold Velvet’) explode into bloom.